McKay has spent the better part of the morning making messes all over. I finally realized he was trying to get my attention and said, "Mommy wants to play with you! Let's go play!" And sure enough, he sat right by me and we put Mr Potato Head together and stacked blocks and read books. After I put him down for his nap I had to go back and wipe up the yogurt, spilled milk and crushed crackers that were all over the kitchen floor. I love how the simplest things please him. I need to remember to be more like him because he is the happiest, most adorable kid ever! (Even when he shoves chicken nuggets in any hole he can find!) Doug and I just laugh. He is a little boy and really really good at it! He loves any kind of cookie, yogurt(as a painting medium too), any chocolate, Elmo, Curious George, looking at fishies, birds and all his Grandparents. He loves to play with his cousins. We had a sleep over with them on Satruday night and he was the happiest kid to be surrounded by all those fun boys! He has learned how to take his diaper off and I went in to see why he was yelling loud when he should have been sleeping and pointed at his discarded dipe in the crib and then the stream of urine across the floor. After I got done laughing about it I had fun giving him a bath(another favorite of his). He is so fun and I love to see him happy!
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